
Lin Cheung

Lin Cheung

Lin Cheung Delayed Reactions – Frowning Face 2018 Brooch, carved Lapis Lazuli, gold Keep – Old Pearl Necklace 2018 Pendant, carved rock crystal, nylon cord…

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Julie Nicaisse

Julie Nicaisse

Julie Nicaisse Belgian jewellery designer Julie Nicaisse gives life to metals by translating the magic and mystery of unconventional beauty found in nature, and turning it into talismanic adornments…

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Gerlinde Huth

Gerlinde Huth

Gerlinde Huth I am fascinated by the structures, shapes and patterns of nature and architecture. A particular inspiration to me is the chambered nautilus shell. The gently spiralling exterior gives…

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Heather O’Connor

Heather O’Connor

Heather O’Connor My collections combine unique design with quality craftsmanship. I explore ideas regarding the use of space, structure, repetition and boundaries within architecture and…

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